Myth: A salt-free diet is healthy and recommended for everyone, especially those individuals suffering from high blood pressure or congestive heart failure.
Our bodies need electrolytes to function properly. Sodium, potassium, magnesium and all the other necessary electrolytes for healthy body functions balance each other. The extremes of too much sodium versus “salt-free” can be equally detrimental. Several basic benefits of sodium include maintenance of proper cell wall function, regulating body temperature, and maintaining a healthy nervous system.
Consuming large amounts of processed foods is the real enemy, not the salt shaker. It is important to pinpoint the target and source of sodium in the diet. If processed food are minimized and optimally eliminated from the diet, sodium levels will decrease dramatically.
When preparing a meal at home using fresh ingredients (void of processed foods), it is a sure bet that the meal will contain a healthy amount of sodium.
How do we train our palates to crave less salt but allow us to enjoy a flavorful meal? Spices are the obvious solution. Most basic pantries contain choices such as garlic salt or powder, onion salt or powder, cinnamon, basil, oregano, and salt and pepper. Expanded spice racks could include cumin, chili powders (chipotle, cayenne, adobo, etc.), curry, marjoram, tarragon, smoked paprika, nutmeg, cloves, dried mustard, and fennel. The key is to experiment with other flavors and gradually decrease the amount of salt to a healthy and acceptable level. Teach your family to taste their food before salting.
(Find reference for cookbook using lots of spices)